Through our work, Skeo aims to build communities of opportunity where residents participate in and benefit from policy and development decisions that shape their communities and quality of life. We bring special expertise in bringing marginalized communities and residents into decision-making circles and helping to build capacity within these communities to drive revitalization. We recognize that better solutions can be achieved by working with community knowledge and expertise, and by building capacity within each community to leverage local assets and articulate their preferred future scenarios. Our work helps to give community residents and advocacy organizations a voice in environmental discussions and decision-making.
- Superfund Job Training Initiative | Nationwide
- City of Trenton Recreational Needs Assessment | Trenton, NJ
- Jacksonville Integrated Planning Project | Jacksonville, FL
- Northern Birmingham Revitalization Action Plan | Birmingham, AL
- WE ACT State Implementation Plans Guidance | Nationwide
- El Puente | Brooklyn, NY
- Maryland Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act | Maryland
- Environmental Justice Listening Sessions | South Carolina
- Twin Counties Visioning and Strategic Plan | Rocky Mount, NC
- Indoor Plumbing Needs on the Eastern Shore of Virginia | Accomack and Northampton, VA
- City of Chesapeake Quality of Life Assessment | Chesapeake, VA
- Chavis Park Community Conversation | Raleigh, NC
- North Shore Environmental Profile | Staten Island, NY
- Equitable Development Tool | Nationwide
- Community Health and Wellness Framework | Nationwide
- Equitable Brownfield Redevelopment Guidance for Tribal Communities | Zuni Pueblo and Other Tribal Communities
- Harrisonburg Food Equity Report | Harrisonburg, VA